BIAS is a collaboration between Academia, Private Sector, and Policy Makers.

Our vision is to pioneer behaviour change by rewiring human biases which impact decision making. These choices may be about consumer goods and services, or public health, environment, education, gender, human rights and other issues.

Behaviour, and its possible modes of change, can be studied and analyzed through the application of the principles of Behavioral Science.




Policy Makers
& Influencer


Cognitive Overload Intent-Action Gap

In the modern world, the human brain processes close to 74 GB of information a day. This information overload is growing at about 5% per year. The brain is an organ, and does not evolve at speeds to cope with such rapid change.

So, decision making is becoming increasingly complex. In such situations, the frequent use of heuristics and other biases is inevitable.

This, in turn, impacts behavioral outcomes.

Cognitive Overload
Intent Action Gap

The situation of cognitive overload makes it essential to examine the frames, and textures, of heuristics and biases with fine-grained understanding, from various perspectives.

We work in the following fields.

Research & Development Areas

Socio-cultural Biases

If some ideas, attitudes, or values fit more comfortably than others, if some food tastes better, or speaking a language feels like coming home, this is socio-cultural inclination, or bias, at work.

Cognitive Biases

These are systematic errors in judgement and decision making. They are a result of the mental shortcuts that the brain takes in order to arrive at quicker decisions.

Semiospheric Biases

Heuristics, or mental shortcuts, rely on mechanisms of learning that enable (iconic) recognition, and (indexical) association. Semiotic decoding is useful to uncover likely heuristic biases, and help rewire interpretive errors.

Technology & Design Biases

Human-Design interaction through judgement errors, heuristics, meaning-making by interpretation, evaluation, and interaction with the design (e.g., app, remote control, soap dispenser). Re-shaping for intuitiveness.

Organizational Biases

The study of organizational behaviour from a behavioural lens shows explicit and implicit biases, heuristics and stereotypes, which influence the selection, framing, and processing of information in organizational contexts.